Didima village is located about 20km from Porto Heli. Near the village there is an area with a number of craters (big holes), carved into the mountain. One of the craters has a tiny old chapel, dedicated to Saint George (13th century), built into the rock. Near by there is another tiny chapel dedicated to the Metamorphosis.
Iside the Snt George chapel there is a latin sign saying that it was visited by Dimitrios Paleologos the Byzantine Emperor(1388-1540) and Thomas Veronezi (1486).
This area is named "SPILIA" which means "CAVE" in Greek. The craters are plainly visible from the road and there is also a short stairway.
We should mention that in the area we find the rare wild tulip. Visitors may also visit the Byzantine monastery of "Moni Avgou" found a few kilometers before Didima village.
For those who want to eat or drink something, they can find taverns in Didyma village.
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