The Orthodox Monastery of St. John the Divine (Aghios Ioannis o Theologos or Saint John the Theologian) in Patmos, is one of the most important religeous sights of the world. Visiting this monastery is a unique experience, not only because of its impressive history, its building, its precious exhibits and its atmosphere, but also because of the stunning views of Patmos island that can be admired from its terrace.
In 1088, the island of Patmos was given to the soldier-priest Ioannis Christodoulos, "the Blessed", by the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komninos. The main part of the monastery was completed by Christodhoulos in 3 years. It is a fortrees-like monastery, in order to be protected by pirates and the Seljuk Turks. It consists of interconnecting courtyards, chapels, stairways, arcades, galleries and roof terraces.
In the same sight there used to be an ancient Temple of Artemis, which was destroyed in the 11th century. Its fragments are now hidden in the monastery's walls.
There are two lovely chapels in the monastery: The Main Chapel and the Chapel of Theotokos. The latter has impressive frescoes dating from the 12th century.
The Monastery's Treasury houses an impressive collecion of priceless religious artifacts, mainly icons of the Cretan school. The most important exhibits are, a mosaic icon of Saint Nicolas (Agios Nikolaos) and a parchment granting the island to Christodhoulos (11th cantury).
The Cave of the Apocalypse (Apokalypsis), found there is the very place where St. John is believed to have received his revelations.
There is still a men's monastic community in the monastery, under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
VISITING HOURS: Every day 8:30 - 13:00 & Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday also 16:00 - 18:00
EASTER IN PATMOS: The relegious celebrations of the Easter, is definately the island's most important period of the year. The main celebrations are operated in Hora (Town), by the Monastery of Saint John, and are well known all over the world (see separate listing).
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