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STAVROS bay, beach and anchorage in PATMOS

Stavros is a deep bay located south at the narrowest point of Patmos, where there are two beaches: The one in the eastern coast, south of Petra bay, is named Diakofti (see separate listing). The other is the Stavros beach. Those two beaches are only 200m apart. There is the point where the path starts for the famous Psili Ammos beach (see separate listing)

Satvros beach has sand, stones and a few trees for shade.

ANCHORAGE INFO: Stavros is a deep bay, open from the north west part, quite protected from the north. However there is usually swell, so we do not suggest an overnight stay there. Psili Ammos (see separate listing) is a marvelous sandy beach and it is worth visiting for swimming. The holding is good and you may anchor on the S/W of Psili Ammos bay.


0.00 ft