Aspri beach is located in a small cove, very close to Skala (port) and is easily accessible on foot or by a small tender boat even if the weather is windy. Howevery it rarely gets crowded. There is also a small wooden jetty. The little bay is very picturesque, with views of the Holy Snt John's Moastery and the waters are emerald.
The sea shore and bottom (mostly weedy) are not very attractive, but the whole setting is is undisturbed and romantic, particularly in the evenings, because of the nice Greek fish taverna, found there, which serves fresh fish.
ANCHORAGE INFO: 4/5, Aspri cove is quite well protected from the meltemi (N/E winds). it is convinient for those who want to avoid the port's noise and prefer a picturesque landscape with emerald waters for a quick dive, yet being close to Skala, either on foot or by tender boat. The nice taverna on the beach is also convinient (usually open in the evening). However, the cove is small and there is enough space for only 1-3 yachts.
SEA BOTTOM - HOLDING: Mostly weedy bottom with some pieces of sand. Be sure to drop your anchor on them in apx 5 m depth.
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