Moschato is a large and quite closed bay with two inner coves. There is not an actual beach in the area but mostly a collection of stones and pebbles. However the waters in the area have an attractive blue color.
On the northern cove there is a fish farm and a chapel of Saint Theologos. This cove used to be a nice place for swimming and snorkeling but since the arrival of a fish farm the water is no longer clear.
However yachts may anchor on the other cove wich has nice and clearer waters.
ANCHORAGE INFO: Large and quite closed bay with two inner coves. Located on the northen coast, open to north-west winds. Well protected from south winds. The inner coves offer adequate protection from almost all winds except N/W. The waters and the landscape is nice but the fish farm in the one of the two coves, spoils its beauty.
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