Turning your head to the right you see the imposing image of the Venetian Castle, and to the left, a vision of green, at your feet is the Kapsali Cove,which is where the three seas colide... The Myrtoo, The Aegean, and The Ionianmeet in the distance.The moment when the seas aura changes your mood... This image isn't a figment of your imagination... It's reality... And welcome!El Sol by V&A......In August of 2003 Antonis and Vanessa (V&A) began a Buisiness cooperation, which without knowing it then, would change their lives on many levels......The hostess Vanessa, with over 10 years experience in hospitality and tourism, and the technocratic Antonis, with studies at the Swiss IHTTI, in tourism, having offered his services to large Hotel Groups, and company banquets, in England, Scotland,Germany and of course in Greece, join forces and not only...... Six years later, take things into their own hands! Respecting the history of the hotel, but mainly the thousands of satisfied customers who have enjoyed unforgetable moments at the hotel, raise standards even higher just for you...... Having Eleana and Spiros to give them inspiration and a smile, Antonis and Vanessa don't just promise, but make it reality.......Welcome to El Sol Hotel, By V&A...