Many sailors did not appreciated catamarans that much…until they tried it themselves and discovered the four big advantages of a catamaran:
Lots of space, flat position on water, shallow draft and great sailing performance.
A lot of space compared to a monohull allows the crew to “spread” on the boat and have more private space which can become quite important if you stay one week and more with the same people on board.
A catamaran rarely heels more than 5 degrees granting a quite flat position on the water, which helps a lot to keep drink and food on the table and allows comfortable sleeping without rolling in the berth.
The shallow draft allows access to areas where a monohull is not able to go to. This is especially advantageous, if you search the safety of an atoll in the Caribbean or the most sheltered position closed to the shore in the Mediterranean.
If you have side wind or wind from the back, a catamaran allows much higher speed than most cruising monohulls.
We provide a wide selection of catamaran yachts. For your selection please click here...