Various religious festivities are celebrated in Poros like in every part of Greece. The most important of them are:
Greek Easter during which (all the Easter week and week-end) various festivities are held and roasted lamb is served. On Big Friday, four replicas of Jesus’ coffin are taking into a procession until Plateia Iroon (H eroes Square) where traditional Greek orthodox prayers and songs are chanted.
Agios Ioannis (Saint John) feast day is celebrated every 24th of June during which young people jump over large fires.
Other local events are taking place on Poros such as:
The Sailor Week which is celebrated on the first ten days of July and during which various festivities are held all around the island, in honour of the sailors of Poros.
On Plateia Iroon (Heroes Square), every week-end of July and August, concerts organized by the navy are taking place.
The Cultural Festival of Poros takes place for a month from mid-July to mid-August during which folk dances and music, shadow puppet shows and theatrical plays are performed all around Poros Town.