Expanding Preview

The expanding preview layout takes a grid of items, and displays the item's content once the user clicks on the item.  

The Expanded preview uses responsive grid similar to the grid featured in our other responsive layouts.

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    Cras nec lorem eget ligula varius aliquet at et mi. Fusce id quam in justo suscipit porta. Fusce non nisl nunc, id vestibulum augue. Donec interdum sapien vitae sem condimentum vel adipiscing leo consequat. In quis nisi sed velit lobortis congue in vulputate risus. Aliquam molestie, risus sed congue ullamcorper, mauris lacus volutpat mauris, nec luctus est risus in libero.

Required elements

The Expanded preview requires at least the item image and the item title in order to function.


Options available for Expanding Preview


Options include: none, boxed, lines

Maximum Number of Columns

Sets the maximum number of columns the grid will be displayed in (1-6). See the Grid documentation for further information.