Accordion Menu

The accordion menu has long been a feature of Zen Grid Framework themes. A simple piece of javascript transformed your standard Joomla menu module into an accordion menu that allows the user to navigate through multi-level vertical menus in your site's sidebar. You can see an example of the mega menu infused accordion menu in the sidebar on this page.


Accordion menu is now integrated into the toggle and offcanvas menu

The accordion menu however is now a part of the responsive toggle and off canvas menus. Long multi-levelled menus always performed poorly on small screens or mobile devices however the accordion menu makes it easy to navigate through your website. The display is uncluttered and intuitive and a far superior for navigating long menus on mobile devices.

Toggle Menu example

Offcanvas Accordion example

Zen Menu adds mega menu functionality to your accordion menu

The Zen Menu plugin also makes it possible to add key mega menu features such as using icons, sub titles as well as displaying modules in the menu. This adds a tonne of flexibility when it comes to creating elegant and yet complex menu structures for your site.