Editor's Note: Stepping On Board this September
We’ve taken a look on board a wide range of superyachts over the last few days, and there’s many more to see before the new month is out. With yachts in focus, new charter and brokerage announcements and upcoming shows bringing the latest and greatest to docks worldwide, it’s good to see the return of show season.
Speaking with the Captain of Ariadna, we took a closer look at the incredible Heesen superyacht in an entirely new light after the arrival of new photography and video. Now on the market for sale with Imperial Yachts, I’ll let the video and interview with Captain Alessandro and Julia Stewart, Director of Imperial Yachts, speak for themselves.
Y.CO led the charge in terms of charter announcements and brought the brand-new superyacht from Amels ‘Elixir’ to the waters of the Mediterranean. This announcement was joined by a number of exciting new photos which placed the 2016 launch in an entirely new and unseen light.
With new photography being the theme of the week, our Superyacht in Focus took the form of Suerte before her world debut in Fort Lauderdale and inevitable return to the Monaco Yacht Show. Our look at the Monaco Yacht Show also continued this week as we highlighted the largest yachts set to arrive in Port Hercules this September.
You can follow the links within the story to catch up on our focal releases this week, and while you do, I’ll be headed toward Montenegro to gain an insight in to the second MYBA Pop-Up Superyacht Show. I’ll be delivering updates throughout our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, so be sure to stay tuned.

Read more: http://www.superyachts.com/news/editors-note--stepping-on-board-this-september-4639.htm